2025 8th International Conference on Computer Information Science and Artificial Intelligence
CISAI2024 Sep.06-08
Home / CISAI2024 Sep.06-08

第七届计算机信息科学与人工智能国际学术会议(CISAI 2024)成功举办

The 7th International Conference on Computer Information Science and Artificial Intelligence (CISAI 2024) Successfully Held


2024年9月6-8日,第七届计算机信息科学与人工智能国际学术会议(CISAI 2024)在中国绍兴成功举办。国内外多位专家学者齐聚现场,线上线下共吸引了数百人次参与盛会,与会者围绕“信息科学”与“人工智能”的最新研究展开,交流新的经验和技术,共同分享和研讨相关领域的最新科研成果和发展趋势。

2024 7th International Conference on Computer Information Science and Artificial Intelligence (CISAI 2024) was held from September 06 to 08, 2024, in Shaoxing, China. Over a hundred experts and scholars from universities at home and abroad gathered at the conference, where hundreds of participants both online and offline focused on the latest research on "information science" and "artificial intelligence" and exchanged new experiences and technologies. Share and discuss the latest scientific research achievements and development trends in related fields. 


本次会议由中国人工智能学会、浙江工业大学和浙江省人工智能产业技术联盟联合主办,浙江工业大学之江学院、中国人工智能学会自然计算与数字智能城市专委会、绍兴工业互联网研究院、AEIC学术交流中心、广东省艾思信息化学术交流研究院共同承办的第七届计算机信息科学与人工智能国际学术会议(CISAI 2024)在绍兴召开。绍兴市科技局副局长梁枫,浙江工业大学之江学院院长金伟娅、副院长王林祥,浙江工业大学先进技术研究院(前沿交叉科学研究院)副院长姚信威等出席会议,国家杰青、清华大学何源教授应邀出席会议并担任主题报告主持人。来自新加坡国立大学、清华大学、北京航天航空大学、北京师范大学、中国科学院自动化研究所、上海理工大学、中央民族大学、宁波大学、西安工业大学、浙江工业大学等30余所高校和科研院所的150名专家学者和青年学子共同参加这场学术盛会。

This conference was held in Shaoxing, jointly organized by the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, Zhejiang University of Technology, and the Zhejiang Provincial Artificial Intelligence Industry Technology Alliance. The conference was co-hosted by the Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology, the Special Committee on Natural Computing and Digital Intelligent Cities of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, the Shaoxing Industrial Internet Research Institute, the AEIC Academic Exchange Center, and the Guangdong Aisi Information Academic Exchange Research Institute.

Attending the conference were Feng Liang, Deputy Director of the Shaoxing Municipal Science and Technology Bureau; Weiya Jin, Dean of Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology; Linxiang Wang, Vice Dean; and Xinwei Yao, Vice Dean of the Advanced Technology Research Institute (Frontier Interdisciplinary Science Research Institute) of Zhejiang University of Technology. Professor Yuan He from Tsinghua University, a recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, was invited to attend the conference and served as the host for the keynote presentations.

Over 150 experts, scholars, and young students from more than 30 universities and research institutions, including the National University of Singapore, Tsinghua University, Beihang University, Beijing Normal University, the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai University of Technology, Minzu University of China, Ningbo University, and Xi'an University of Technology, participated in this academic event.


The Dean of Zhejiang University of Technology Zhijiang College, WeiyaJin, opened the meeting under the chairmanship of GuoqinSong, the head of the Research Department of Zhijiang College, and sincerely welcomed every scholar who traveled from afar. Leaders in attendance included FengLiang, Deputy Director of the Shaoxing Science and Technology Bureau, and LinxiangWang, Vice Dean of Zhejiang University of Technology Zhijiang College. 


Weiya Jin,  Dean of Zhejiang University of Technology Zhijiang College, addressing the opening ceremony of the conference. 


In addition, the meeting was chaired by Professor YuanHe, a National Distinguished Young Scholar from Tsinghua University; Professor YoudongYang, Dean of the School of Information at Zhejiang University of Technology Zhijiang College; Professor XinweiYao, Deputy Dean of the Institute of Frontier Interdisciplinary Science; Yong Lin, Deputy Head of the Research Department of Zhijiang College; and Professor XinggangFan, Vice Dean of the School of Information at Zhijiang College. Experts and scholars came together for this academic event, expressing their high regard and support for technological innovation.



National Distinguished Young Scholar, Professor YuanHe from Tsinghua University, chaired the keynote presentation session.

主题报告星光熠熠,大师云集:北航刘军教授(国家级领军人才)深挖水声携能通信奥秘;南科大史玉回教授(IEEE Fellow)探索群体智能广阔应用;浙师大王田教授(国家级青年人才)阐述边缘智能新方向;中科院自动化所边桂彬研究员揭秘智能显微手术机器人;南理工宫辰教授、浙大董玮教授等多位青年才俊,分别在开放世界学习、物联网系统软件等领域发表前沿洞见,以及宁波诺丁汉任剑锋副教授的视觉推理新视角,浙江省数据开放融合关键技术研究重点实验室陈登副主任的AI助力浙江创新体系建设,浙大郭秀珍研究员的生物磁学健康监测创新,令人眼界大开。

The keynote presentations were dazzling, featuring a gathering of masters: Professor Jun Liu from Beihang University (national-level leading talent) delved into the mysteries of underwater acoustic energy communication; Professor Yuhui Shi from Southern University of Science and Technology (IEEE Fellow) explored the vast applications of collective intelligence; Professor Tian Wang from Zhejiang Normal University (national-level young talent) discussed new directions in edge intelligence; Researcher Guibin Bian from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed insights into intelligent microsurgery robots; and several young talents, including Professor ChenGong from Nanjing University of Science and Technology and Professor WeiDong from Zhejiang University, shared cutting-edge insights in areas such as open-world learning and IoT system software. Additionally, Associate Professor JianfengRen from the University of Nottingham Ningbo presented a new perspective on visual reasoning, while Deputy Director DengChen from the Key Laboratory of Key Technologies for Data Open Integration in Zhejiang Province discussed AI's role in building an innovative system in Zhejiang. Researcher  XiuzhenGuo from Zhejiang University showcased innovations in biomagnetic health monitoring, leaving the audience greatly enlightened.






《Swarm Intelligence and its Applications》









《Open-World Learning:Challenges and Solutions》












《Biomagnetism for Inclusive Vital Sign Monitoring:Modeling and Implementation》

After the keynote presentations, six young scholars participated in the oral report and poster presentation session, sharing their latest research findings. They engaged in in-depth discussions with the experts present regarding the challenges and opportunities faced in the fields of information science and artificial intelligence.



                     Qiang Su, Xi'an Technological University

Report Title: Improved remote sensing image building extraction network based on U-net network



       Yong Zhou, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

  Report Title: A Multi-modal Learning-Based Behavior Identification Scheme for Obfuscated Tunneling Traffic



Yuecheng Fan, National University of Singapore

  Report Title:  The Gesture Recognition Improvement of Mediapipe Model Based on Historical Trajectory Assist Tracking, Kalman Filtering and Smooth Filtering



         Lijun Liang, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  Report Title: Research on the Feature Identification methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on Artificial Intelligence



Fangyong Hou, Minzu University of China

  Report Title: An Innovative Mechanism to Detect APT Attacking



      Juntao Xu, Zhejiang University of Technology

  Report Title:  A Multi-Modal RGB-D Capture Detection Network with Joint Spatial Domain and Frequency Domain Alignment


The conference recommended and awarded three academic paper prizes: the "Best Paper," the "Best Oral Presentation," and the "Best Poster," to encourage young scholars to dedicate themselves to research. Attending experts and young scholars expressed that the conference strengthened academic exchanges, sharpened innovative thinking, and deepened their understanding of the industry. It laid a solid foundation for future research collaboration and talent exchange, establishing a broader international academic exchange and cooperation network!



本次第七届计算机信息科学与人工智能国际学术会议(CISAI 2024)圆满结束,为与会者奉献了一场内容充实、高质量且具有国际视野的学术盛宴。专家学者们在会议期间深入交流信息、加强学术互动、激发创造性思维,共同推动了计算机信息科学与人工智能领域的研究与应用进展,助力全球科技创新和科研人才的成长。

The successful convening of the 2024 7th International Conference on Computer Information Science and Artificial Intelligence (CISAI 2024) provided participants with a rich, high-quality, and internationally-oriented academic feast. Experts and scholars engaged in in-depth information exchange, strengthened academic interactions, and stimulated creative thinking during the conference, collectively advancing research and applications in the fields of computer information science and artificial intelligence, thereby contributing to global technological innovation and the development of research talent.